Resources to Protect Yourself and Your Community
- Know Your Rights: From The New York Immigration Coalition: a guide for immigrant New Yorkers on how to avoid immigration scams, protect their families when interacting with ICE, and create a plan for their family in the event of deportation.
- Know Your Rights Red Cards: From The Immigrant Legal Resource Center: All people in the United States, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. The ILRC red cards are easy to print at home and help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations, such as when ICE agents go to a home.
- Online Detainee Locator System: If you have a loved one, over the age of 18, who has been arrested or detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) you can locate them using this online detainee locator system. This site is accessible in seven languages including English and Spanish. You can search for a detained individual by using the individual’s A-number and country of birth OR by using the individual’s name, date of birth and country of birth.
- FAQ: From the National Immigration Project: a community FAQ about what to expect in the Trump Administration and how to get prepared in English and Spanish.
- Registry of Lawyers and Organizations Practicing Immigration Law: Find reliable lawyers and organizations that practice immigration law. This list is designed to help you connect with qualified professionals who can assist you with your legal needs.
Additional Community Resources:
- Notifica is a project created through United We Dream. It is intended for immigrant users to communicate a one-time secure message to your trusted contacts.
- Immi is a project created through Immigration Advocates Network. It is intended for immigrant users who can use this tool in English or Spanish to determine whether they are eligible for any affirmative immigration benefits. This tool does not provide information for those in removal proceedings.
- Immi Make a Plan Tool is intended to help individuals who may be at risk for immigration enforcement including detention and deportation. Individuals can use this online system to create a safety plan and help prepare their familial and financial affairs
- LawHelpNY is a resource for individuals to find self help materials and to look for free or low-cost legal services in New York State.